Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thing 9 Streaming

I tried out 'United Streaming' for the first time. I can't believe how many videos I can access from there! I was teaching a unit on atomic theory and incorporated two videos that I found at that site. I just saved the two video clips into a folder and hyperlinked them to my notes I was giving in class. It worked great! I like to add things like that when giving notes to students so they don't fall asleep. I think I'm going to send an email to our staff letting them know that our school owns a membership to United Streaming because I think most aren't even aware of it.


Jeanne LaMoore said...

I'm so glad you've discovered this cool tool! It's even better that you're sharing it with others. Woohoo!

Connie said...

I took your hint about the school not knowing about this subscription and added it to the Staff Meeting agenda. Thanks for bringing my attention to it!